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Deeper Meanings

About The Series


The “Deeper Meanings” series aims to be a dissected, personal and unique narrative for each individual. Please take your time to enjoy the collection in the gallery if you have not done so already.

On the surface level, the series uses design and street photography techniques to create a symbolic social-commentary on urban isolation, whether that be in it's truest form, or a metaphorical by-product of our ever increasingly digitised lives.

Geometry, architecture, concentrations of light and negative space are all used as framing devices to represent many of the factors that contribute towards an individual's feelings of social obligation and detachment that can come with not only living in a highly developed urban environment, but also in the many aspects of complex modern life.

Yet the deeper intention of the series is to tap into the empathy we all acquire at varying amounts as a result of our own experiences, then for those to manifest through the subject of the image. In doing so, opening ourselves up to a feeling of self, relatability that consequences into a vulnerable emotional response that comes from within that is deeply individual and personal.

In essence we see our self in the subject, through whatever “deeper meaning” that may be.


In the summer of 2018, living in Berlin, I joined a photography collective, that I will forever be grateful too, that was working in conjunction with a conference of social entrepreneurs who’s aims were to contribute towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals outlined by the UN. As photographers, we worked closely with the conference members to create an exhibition to visually highlight the issues. From the 17 Goals, I focused my efforts on “03: Good Health & Well-Being”.

At the time my photography was heading in a direction where a personal style and meaning were starting to emerge, perhaps as a result of my own battles with loneliness and urban living. In the autumn of 2018, I returned to Tokyo Japan for several months, and it was during this time that I began to express myself effortlessly through photography in a way that I never had done, or that had been so personal.


After returning from Tokyo, the series continued taking inspiration from numerous European cities, but the pandemic put a halt to city exploration quite soon after and effected the series for a prolonged period of time. More on my story during this time can be read on

In April 2022 I returned to Tokyo for the long term. I am thrilled to continue to grow the series and see how it evolves as I too evolve.